Tips to Keep Your Auto Insurance Premiums Low

As we travel through 2024, drivers are experiencing a substantial rise in auto insurance premiums. Rates are projected to increase by an average of 12.6%, the steepest hike since 2018. This follows an 11.2% increase in 2023, marking a continuous upward trend. With the rise of auto insurance, it’s more crucial than ever to find ways to keep your premiums as low as possible. Here are some practical tips to help you save on your auto insurance.
Shop Around and Compare Rates
Insurance premiums can vary significantly between providers. Boufford Insurance looks for the most competitive rates when quoting your insurance with our carriers.
Bundle Your Policies
Many insurance companies offer discounts if you bundle multiple policies, such as home and auto insurance, with the same provider. Bundling helps Boufford get you the best rates and substantial savings.
Maintain a Clean Driving Record
Your driving history heavily influences your insurance premiums. Drivers with a history of violations can face a 52% average increase in premiums.
Increase Your Deductible
Opting for a higher deductible can lower your monthly premiums. Boufford can provide quotes with deductible options so that you can choose one that you can comfortably afford.
Consider the Car You Drive
Choose models known for lower insurance costs. If you are considering a new vehicle, check with Boufford Insurance before you buy to see how it will impact your rates.
Review and Adjust Your Coverage
Evaluate your coverage needs regularly. Ensure you have the appropriate level of coverage for your current vehicle and driving situation.
Stay Informed
Your Boufford representative can help you stay informed on changes in the insurance industry and new ways to save. Follow us online for the latest insurance news.
By implementing these tips, Boufford Insurance can help you better manage your auto insurance costs and combat rising premiums.